This, however, would prove catastrophic as the humans brought black powder with them that they used to collapse the entire underground city. This led the Vanghouls to rally in the Forsaken Mountain so they wouldn’t be attacked on multiple fronts. What they did not know was that the humans had another fleet heading for the island, one that had vastly more men and weapons onboard. The human army was able to establish a garrison to defend themselves rather quickly, which meant the Vanghouls had to engage just as fast before they got too much of a foothold. Now the Vanghouls were forced to fight a war on both sides, and the elves had no plans of making the humans their enemy as well. There were more parties in play, and the elves had also come ashore in secrecy. This would lead to an unforeseen development. Nonetheless, the humans survived the attack on the coastline and got ashore. The intended goal of luring the enemy to the Vanquished Island worked smoothly. However, they left a slope that could bring this news back to the enemies, which would set the plan in motion. When in range, they sunk the entire fleet to the bottom of the ocean before they could even realize what was going on.

Coming upon a prisoner transport fleet, the Vanghouls used the flags of Windshire to get close. Instead, they would lure them back to the Vanquished Island. Taking their fleet, the Vanghouls set out to track down the enemies from before, but this time they would not engage them head-on.

In 1714, Gathon used new tactics to besiege Windshire, and this time made sure no one would be able to escape and warn the enemy.